PYPC supports ongoing ministry in Tanzania.

October 2020
Hello Presbyterian Church Team
Thank you so much for your continuous support.
Last weekend we purchased food… LOTS AND LOTS OF Food…. We felt like we were buying everything in the local shop. We were able to provide everything on the list for the children and their caregivers both in Arusha and Moshi for the first round. The second round of foods we will be distributed during December holiday season. We are looking forward for Christmas and New Year.
Some of the caregivers are sick, some are disabled and some are too old to come to the office and so we distributed the foods in their families.
In the picture with a man lying, he is a father of a lad known as Elisha, his father was a builder but seventeen years ago he fell down from the roof of the house he was constructing and he hurt his spinal cord. From then he has been in bed since. Currently he doesn't even have a wheelchair. He has also developed other complications… he now has diabetes and he has developed bed sores. We are glad there is a neighbor who is helping him out now. But his health has deteriorated a lot.
The other pictures are of grandmothers who are taking care of their grandchildren. The parents of these children have died because of HIV and AIDS. Aids has caused lots of children to be orphans in Tanzania and led to more grand parents being main caregivers. More than 80% of the children under EEF support are under the care of grandparents, and most of them are too old. With age is also more difficult for them to fend for their children.
Your support means a lot to these families. May the almighty God keep on Blessing You and works of your hands.
Our next project is buying books and school needs for the children in Secondary schools.
Asante Sana
EEF Ladies
Sara, Fatuma and Glory